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Thursday 1 May 2014

Joint Supplements Reviews

People of all ages and activity levels suffer from joint pain. Arthritis is the most common culprit, which can strike at any age. Athletes are another group that is particularly susceptible to  joint pain and inflammation. Proper nutrition and exercise techniques can help alleviate many of the symptoms of joint pain. The most popular and effective joint supplements typically contain ingredients that can both promote stronger joints and joint repair, as well as help with pain and inflammation. It has been observed that 2/3 individuals are afflicted with joint pain in the US alone. This joint pain ranges from the temporary joint immobility and stiffness to the chronic rheumatoid arthritis.

It has been observed that 2/3 individuals are afflicted with Joint Pain in the US alone. This Joint Pain  ranges from the temporary joint immobility and stiffness to the chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Lifestyle, diet, medication and exercise all play an important role in deciding the nature of joint pains that one could become prey to, with advancing age.

<b>What causes Joint Pain</b>

As we age, bodily collagen breaks down, cartilage and bone is subject to wear and tear, cellular regeneration is lowed down in the body, illness and disease, injury and stress all leave their own marks on the overall health and fitness. The pain between joints is mostly due to thinning of the cartilage, which no longer acts as the shock absorber. Inflammation of the joints due to increasing friction and wearing down of cartilage and bone results in joint deformity and  Arthritis.

Athletes engaged routinely in high impact sports (rugby, soccer etc.,) and exercise, are also subject to severe joint pains in later years.


While most Joint Supplements contain cartilage building Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which also protect existing cartilage, newer suplements incorporate substances like Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Collagen and Hyaluronic acid (HA).

Some new generation joint supplements contain COX-2 inhibitors, which are a class of drugs that selectively inhibit COX-2, an enzyme involved in the inflammation pathway, while sparing COX-1, thereby reducing gastrointestinal toxicity. COX-2 selective inhibitors are the newest of the NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

<b>How They Work :</b>

Joint Supplements are designed to provide lasting relief when it comes to joint pains and rheumatic arthritis.

To protect cartilage and help rebuild it, physicians recommend Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Collagen, Hyaluronic acid (HA), and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) are some of the newer and more promising ingredients being used by people suffering from joint pain.

Joint supplements have been observed to reduce pain and swelling, repair damaged tissue and also increase joint strength in 2-3 months after usage.

Synotrex, with its proprietary blend of patented ingredients, natural COX-2 inhibitors and multiple joint support and anti-inflammatory agents has made it to the top as an effective alternative for most kinds of joint pain. Synotrex is the only product with a 90-Day Guarantee, and the customer support and results were among the best.

This Article is Originally Published here:

Is Your Muscle Building Potential Limited By Your Genes?

It is clear that certain traits are handed down to us by our parents and unfortunately our ability to grow muscles beyond certain limits is no exception. That doesn't mean to say hard work and carefully planned training won't have a positive effect on your physique - it just means that some people will inherit a greater abundance of the favored physical characteristics than others. Not everyone possesses the physical traits to become a champion, but you can work wonders with the raw material you do possess.

How responsive you will be to physical stimulation can be predicted to a certain extent by examining your somatype or natural body shape. Basically, there are three recognized body types:

1. Endomorphs - these individuals tend to be squat with a round torso, thick neck and short limbs.

2. Mesomorphs - these individuals tend to be musclar with broad shoulders, powerful chest and limbs and little body fat.

3. Ectomorphs - these individuals tend to be slim and are usually tall with little muscle and body fat.

The ideal bodybuilding physique tends more towards the mesomorph with broad shoulders, narrow hips with arms and legs of medium length. Two further inherited features have a role to play in determining muscle building potential, and these are muscle fiber density and neurological efficiency. Fiber density determines the size potential of a muscle while neurological efficiency refers to the relationship between the nervous system and muscles. This is relevant because, in all out effort genetically blessed individuals have the ability to activate up to 50% of the fibers in a given muscle compared to the average person's 30%. This allows greater scope for stimulating growth.

The fact that there is no easy way to measure fiber density or neurological efficiency is actually a blessing because the incentive remains for all of us to train hard and strive for improvement. Only a tiny minority of people have the genetic tools to become champions but the rest of us can go a long way to fulfilling our own personal goals.

Instantly Increase Your Strength On Every Back Exercise

Do you want a quick, simple and instant way to increase the amount of weight you can lift on virtually every back exercise you perform? Sound too good to be true? I speak the truth, my friend, and the reality is that if you aren’t utilizing this basic piece of gym equipment you’re missing out on some serious muscle size and strength gains. What tool am I talking about?

A pair of lifting straps!

This is such a basic and highly effective piece of equipment yet so many people neglect to use them. For those of you who are unaware, these are basically a set of thick straps made of extremely strong material that are placed around your wrists and then wrapped around the barbell, dumbbell or cable attachment. The purpose of lifting straps is to “eliminate” your grip from the equation by forming a secure connection between your wrist and the weight. If you use these straps properly you can basically hold onto the bar and perform your exercises while expending almost no energy from your forearms.

Why is this so valuable?

Picture this scenario…You’re performing a set of deadlifts (arguably the most powerful muscle-building exercise known to man) with the goal of performing 8 reps. You psych yourself up, grip the weight and clear the bar from the ground. The set is going well, but by the time you reach rep number 5, the strain on your grip is so great that you can no longer hold onto the bar. You’re forced to stop the set because your forearms reached muscular failure.

What exactly happened here?

Well, you gave yourself an amazing forearm workout! Congratulations! Unfortunately you severely limited the amount of muscle stimulation you could achieve on your back, shoulders, legs, and just about every other muscle in your body that the deadlift targets in the process. This is not a good thing!

Lifting straps completely eliminate this problem by making sure that you reach muscular failure in the major muscle groups that you are intending to target rather than on your forearms and grip. They can be used effectively for almost every back exercise or any other lift where the grip is of concern.

The main argument against lifting straps is the idea that they are a “crutch” and will negatively affect the development of grip strength and forearm size. Let’s get real here. What would you prefer, greater muscle mass and strength in your lats and upper back (and just about every other muscle group on your body) or greater ability to crack open a jar of pickles? Take your pick.

The positive effect that lifting straps will have on your overall muscle mass and strength gains will far outweigh any negative effect that they have on your forearms and grip. Besides, you can easily incorporate specific forearm movements into your routine to develop your grip strength and forearm size. If you aren’t using lifting straps already, get on it! You can find them at almost any store that sells sports or fitness equipment or you can order them online. They sell for about 10 or 15 bucks and are well worth the price!

Information about steroids by shrenksonlinepharma

Like methandrostenolone (Dianabol), oxymetholone does not bind well to the androgen receptor (AR), and most of the anabolism it provides is via non-AR-mediated effects. It is therefore a Class II steroid and is best stacked with a Class I steroid. The drug appears to give the same benefits as dianabol. Unlike Dianabol, however, it seems that oxymetholone is progestagenic. It has been observed to cause nipple soreness or to aggravate gynecomastia even in the presence of high dose antiestrogens, strongly suggesting that the effect is not estrogenic. That effect can be reduced by concurrent use of stanozolol (Winstrol), which is anti-progestagenic. This
progestagenic effect of oxymetholone is only a concern when using aromatizing steroids. With androgens such as Primobolan, oxymetholone stacks very nicely and is a surprisingly friendly drug. In contrast, with testosterone it is a very harsh drug.

Oxymetholone does not convert to estrogen, and thus antiestrogens are not required if no aromatizable AAS are being used. However, in concert with aromatizing drugs, oxymetholone is notorious for worsening "estrogenic" symptoms, possibly by producing progestagenic symptoms which the bodybuilder
confuses as estrogenic, or by altering estrogen metabolism, or by upregulating aromatase.

Compared to what bodybuilders expect of it, the drug is reasonably mild when no aromatizing steroids are present. I consider its potency approximately comparable to Dianabol. It is not unusual for a first time user to do quite well on an oxymetholone-only cycle, but more advanced users will want
to stack with another steroid. Typical use is 50-150 mg/day, which should be divided into several doses per day.

Because oxymetholone is 17-alkylated, it is stressful to the liver. It is better to limit use to no more than 6 weeks or preferably four weeks before taking a break of at least equal length. Many users feel that it is more effectively used in the beginning parts of the cycle, rather than in the last few weeks.

Trivial name Oxymetholone
Systematic name 5-alpha,17-beta-Androstan-3-one, 17-hydroxy-2-
CAS number 434-07-1
ATC code A14AA05
Merck Index Number 7036
Chemical formula C21H32O3
Molecular weight 332.477 g/mol
Bioavailability 95%
Metabolism Hepatic
Elimination half-life 9 hours
Excretion Urinary: 95%
Pregnancy category X
Routes of administration Oral

Increase Your Training Intensity - Training To Failure

You can only build muscle tissue if you can generate progressively stronger muscular contractions, so this calls for an emphasis on finding ways to increase exercise intensity. This should not be confused with exercise duration as maximum training intensity will actually shorten the time needed to achieve maximal muscular growth.

In an earlier article I outlined the ways in which you can intensify your training. Here we'll focus on the role that training to failure has to play in intensifying the training effect.

Anything less than maximum effort will reduce the effectiveness of your muscle building workout. The only way to force an optimal reaction in any muscle is to train it to failure - in other words, no matter how much effort you put in you are simply incapable of completing one more rep of a given exercise.

Too many people seem to finish a set when they reach a certain number of reps, but the body will only show significant change if you ask it to do something extra. Only by passing through the break-over point of momentary muscle failure will you stimulate the muscle to grow.

Anyone starting out on their bodybuilding career should not attempt this method of training as it could lead to serious injury. Spend several months perfecting exercise form and conditioning the body to lift heavier weights before gradually introducing training to failure.